Arena & Epic Arena!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARENA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is Arena? How do I participate?
Upon reaching Level 10, you will unlock the Arena, where you can fight against players across the server. Click the refresh button to choose 3 random enemies of your choice. If you manage to defeat the chosen enemy's team, you will swap rankings with that player.
2. What are the rewards?
There are 2 kind of rewards in the Arena:
Highest ranking reward: Each time you break your highest ranking record, you will receive a one-time Diamond reward. The reward is based on your current ranking and the number of ranks you climbed. You will receive at least 1 diamond each time you beat your previous highest ranking.
Daily ranking reward: Rankings are tabulated every night at 21:00 and compared with your Epic Arena ranking. Whichever ranking is higher will be the reward that is sent to your mailbox. You can click on the "Rule" button to check your daily ranking reward based on your current rank.
Both rewards are sent via the mailbox.
3. What are the conditions in an Arena battle? How do I win?
In Arena battles, the auto-battle function is enabled. Players cannot manually release their heroes' abilities. All heroes' HP and healing abilities are boosted. If the battle times out, then the attacking party loses. While players are engaged in battle in the Arena, they cannot be chosen as opponents for another battle. After each Arena battle, players must wait for a 10-minute cooldown before they can enter the Arena battle. You can enter the Arena for free 5 times per day. This count resets daily at 05:00.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EPIC ARENA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is Epic Arena? How do I participate?
Upon reaching Level 60, you will unlock the Epic Arena, a 3-team version of the normal Arena. You can set up to 3 defending teams. If you manage to win 2 out of 3 battles, you will be the winner, and swap rankings with the chosen opponent.
2. What are the rewards?
This time, there is no highest ranking reward, only daily ranking reward. Rankings are tabulated every night at 21:00 and compared with your normal Arena ranking. Whichever ranking is higher will be the reward that is sent to your mailbox. Similarly, you can click on the "Rule" button to check your daily ranking reward based on your current rank. The reward is sent via the mailbox.
3. What are the conditions in an Epic Arena battle? How do I win?
It is very similar compared to the Arena, only a few differences:
Time-out: When the time is up, the player with the most surviving heroes will be deemed the winner. In a case of a tie, the player with the most damage dealt will be deemed the winner of that battle.
Hiding teams: Players ranked 500 and above can hide their 3rd team lineup. Players ranked 50 and above can hide their 2nd team line up. The top player can hide all 3 team lineups.
4. Why is the Epic Arena closed? How do I get the Epic Arena medals?
The Epic Arena is opened from 08:00 to 23:59. You cannot enter the Epic Arena between 00:00 to 08:00, but you can adjust your teams at any time. When the Epic Arena opens, you will automatically accumulate Epic Arena Medals is your current ranking is 10000 and above. The actual accumulation speed is based on your current ranking. You can claim your Epic Arena Medals at any time.
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